A few harvest pics

I didn't keep up on my harvest totals too much this year. I had planned on doing it, but my large kitchen scale broke and I haven't replaced it yet. Also i ended up turning most of my produce into puree for lil pickle.My mother who was helping me didn't see the point of weighing everything and then processing it....so i don't have a lot of pics or numbers.

I harvested 8 cauliflower this size, but only managed to snap a pic of one before my mother cut it up

green beans. I processed another bag this size too

a few of the little ones

the only bags of spinach i collected!!

So all in all it doesn't look like much but I did have a good harvest this year. Nothing near my 1000lbs mark a few years ago, but i planted a lot less.


  1. It all looks yummy to me and is way more than the few tomatoes I had in my garden!

  2. It looks wonderful!! What a blessing to have a garden like that!

  3. It is wonderful that Little Pickle is eating from the garden!


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