WIP 11/02/2015

So here we are at another week and I already have another finish. Back in January I had a dream I took part in a mug rug swap and guess what the very next day Fort Worth Fabric Studio announced they were hosting a mug rug swap. I thought holy moley that's crazy and signed up right away. Now considering I am going to be visiting palm springs soon and my craft room was relocating I am not sure what I was thinking, but it signed up and get this....I finished up my mug rug Monday  night. Binding is sewn on and it is ready to mail...yay me.

This is all I can show you, however there will be a linky party in March so you can see the whole thing then

Okay onto my current wip. I was thinking about which item to work on next and flipping back and forth when I thought easy does it just pick the next thing on the list and do it..
so That's what I am doing.

For my turn the the 2013 Jan-June round of We Bee Learning I asked my hive mates to make me a snails trail block in aqua, red and grey. I ended up with 10 blocks and 5 I made on my own
I tried a couple of layouts (see here) and decided on this option

The blocks with 2 greys made it hard to match up with the other blocks so I made one more block in the right colour combo to fit in that spot which ended up being just grey and red. It's a bit of a sore thumb to me, but the more Iook at it the less I see it.

Did you catch the one mistake (i hope there is only one)

Yes the top right block doesn't quite work. Since it is a block i made I think I am just going to pick it apart and change the upper red to a grey. However, then it is grey grey blue red and i am not sure how I feel about that either....What do you think?
My other issue is that 2 of the blocks I received at 11.5" and the rest are all 12. If I trim them all down to 11.5 I think will lose the 3rd triangle points and the blocks will become something other than snails trails. I can leave them out, but I only have so much aqua, red and grey that almost half will be similar fabric....okay I making my head hurt now...so enough on that...lol

Goal for next week- Sew the blocks together

Current WIP
We bee learning jan to june 2013: Snails Trail quilt: Goal to get quilts top done

2015  Sewing Mission Statement
In order to try and get some UFO's done this year I am going to try and keep my current to do list small and just work on one thing at a time. I am going to try and not start anything "new" but instead take one thing off of my no progress list each month.
No Progress List

we bee learning july-dec 2013: Goal to get quilts top done
Countless orphan "hop blocks" 20+
We bee learning 2012 group 2- I am still stuck on a second border for this one. I tried out a bunch of colours again and hate everything....Might just go with white
July 2011 BOM- I have made some progress, but forgot to take a pic!
Wonky Bee quilt: thinking
Bee Creative bee quilt: I only received blocks from 2 people so this quilt is on hold
International stashes: I need to sew blocks together and quilt.
Christmas qal quilt: sandwich and quilt
Fall Wall Hanging-I have started to do a bit of the embroidery
Sew Happy Geek QAL- Blocks  9,10,11 and 12 still need to be done
Table runner- I have pieced this sucker together. Now I just need to get the backing on and quilt it
We Bee Learning group one Quilt- The grey fabric for my sashing came in. Now I need to get to work
2011 BOM- Since it is 2013 you can see I am a bit behind on this one. July-dec still need to be done

Completed Projects 2015
1. Baby Quilt: Finished Feb 4th 2015 Here

I am linking up with WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced and The Needle and Thread Network. Please check out both sites and see what everyone else is working on too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedRight Click to Save Image

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Congratulations on another finish!! Fabulous. I like the snail layout as is. Nothing seems off to me.

  2. Grats on another early finish! I think the layout looks fine, and the 'mistake' is not noticeable to me. If you have enough fabric for 2 more blocks, one possibility is ot use the blocks that are slightly small in the back. Personally I love a pieced back that takes something from the front of the quilt.

  3. A finish feels good, eh!!! Looking good Haley

  4. I love your snails trail blocks. It's one of my favorite blocks.


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