Still Here!!


I'm alive!! No worries nothing serious has happened to me. I have just been doing a little baking and this time around I am beyond nauseous and tired so believe it or not this is the first time I have turned on my computer in 9 weeks. I haven't even paid bills for two months....ooopppps

So here is a little garden update and my first harvest report of 2015. I am linking up to Harvest Monday's over at Daphne's Dandelions. Please check her site out for harvests from around the world!

Mr.P and my mom have really been helping out a lot and it looks great!!!

back garden a few weeks ago. squash are going slowly

Main garden is going great

Okay and onto a little harvesting!!!

Sour Cherries

Early Girl Tomatoes 1.2kg

 Lettuce 125g
Basil 50g

 Russet Potaotes 4kg

 I couldn't find my scale so these were picked and just eaten! I have picked a lot of peas but they keep hitting my tummy before the scale!!!

Saskatoon Berries 2.5kg

2015 Harvest Totals

Saskatoon Berries 2.5kg
Russet Potaotes 4kg
Lettuce 125g
Basil 50g
Early Girl Tomatoes 1.2kg
Sour Cherries  6kg

Grand total to date 13.8kg

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. Lovely harvests!!
    And no pea EVER makes it as far as the house here. Good snacking in the garden-LOL!

  2. I'm surprised the saskatoons made it indoors. But then those are a lot of saskatoons. We planted one this year but it is just a foot tall right now.

  3. It looks like a productive garden this summer! I always love your garden posts.

  4. Love those potatoes! How wonderful that you have help in the garden - I hope you start feeling better very soon.

  5. Your garden looks amazing and huge. And that is a lot of cherries and berries, your harvest looks great.


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