Tuesday mismash

Okay I am back yet again. Oh my it has been a crazy couple of weeks. That little ole flu bug really threw my system for a loop. Just when I thought I was over it, it came back for a little visit! I do have some of my energy back now, but that woozy feeling isn’t too far away. At least I have been spending a little less time in the bathroom and I am blogging again!

I have been up to absolutely nothing at all! I haven’t done any sewing or sowing!! I have hardily even cooked a meal or cleaned the house, so now I am very behind on everything and the thought of that makes me sick...oh my oh my. Oh well start with something little and I will eventually get caught up.....right!

So what do you write about when you have done nothing to write about? Ummmm ...hmmmmm...let me see now.... How about the weather..Yeah weather sounds good. It has been a strange few weeks here in Saskatchewan we have gone from above zero to -42C with the wind chill in the matter of a few days. It sure does a number on ya! And the snow oh my it just doesn’t want to seem to want to stop snowing. I for one am sick of it! I know some of you are thinking oh snow I would love snow. Well to you I say come for a visit stay for a week where you have to really experience snow. I mean travelling the icy blown in unsalted highways, shovelling your driveway until you can’t feel your body, having to walk to your car with a nasty wind-chill where your eyelashes freeze together, always being cold and then let’s see what you think of snow...LOL You can even stay with me and hear my winter whine...lol

Here is Zada’s kennel....

there is a house in there somewhere, but while it is snowed in the little bugger gets to sleep in the porch. I for one feel that since she is an “outside” dog anything warmer than -25C she should be outside. Mr. P doesn’t feel the same way and I haven't dug the house out, so she gets to stay inside. This usually keeps up until he wakes up to a poopy puppy in the porch than its time she goes outside. So until Zada makes a mistake she will stay inside..lol

Now I need to vent for just a bit! I have to see a specialist in Alberta who requires blood work, but cannot requisition it since I live in Saskatchewan. My family Doctor quit and a walk in clinic doc won’t requisition the blood work for me. So after a 2 month search I found a new family doctor who requisitioned the blood work, but now she will not release the results to me or to the doctor in Alberta. I have to have an appointment to go over the blood work with her, but since she isn’t the specialist there is no reason for her to view the blood work. So I can make an appointment for a physical for May and at that time request a copy be sent and she will think about it. Or the specialist can send them a letter saying he wants the blood work, but guess what the specialist’s office says they have never had to do that before and therefore won’t do it. All I can say is WTF. My new family doctors receptionist who I was  dealing with finally said she would fax the info over, but I was told I had to bring a hard copy as well. She wouldn’t budge on that which I think is stupid since it’s my lap results, but whatever. I just have to hope that she sends the info and that the specialist doesn’t chew me a new one when I see him or cancels my appointment or removes me from the waiting list...oh boy stressful times! So needless to say that ruined my day.

Keep Warm


  1. I know healthcare is different in Canada but you should still be entitled to your records. would the receptionist give you a copy even if it's in a sealed envelope to take with you to the specialist. Sorry for your hassles, it's ridiculous that they say they have never had to request forms from another office -- Have they never gotten a new client before. Hope all works out.

  2. Hi!!! Glad you are feeling better!!! The flu this year is awful and it goes around to everyone and then comes back again or there is more than one going around!! Sorry you are having so much trouble with Dr's and blood work..seems like you should be able to say where it goes...hope you get something worked out...

  3. That's one very cold looking kennel! I don't blame Mr. P for feeling mercy. Glad you're feeling better; can't wait for spring!

  4. How frustrating!! I hope the lab results get tended to and sorted out. We've had that flu bug around here too. NO FUN!!

  5. So sorry you are having problems with your medical records. We're going through much the same with my husband, who needs surgery on his eye. It's been going on, from doctor to doctor, trying to get them to refer him to a surgeon. It's been nearly two months of suffering, and he'll finally get in to the specialist on the 28th. That's just for the exam, hard telling when he'll actually get the surgery! In the meantime, he has to deal with the discomfort.

  6. I was happily done with heavy snow since we moved from Colorado. The black ice was terrible. We`ll be having a little snow today and then spring temperatures by Saturday. That`s quite a mess with your blood work. How frustrating! I hope it works out for you.

  7. Wow refusing to send the results? Sucky. My daughter is on the Canadian health plan right now, but I know nothing about it.

  8. Oh, don't get me started on doctors right now. I've just had a bit of a go-round with mine and test results. All finally sorted out, but it IS frustrating! Hope this all gets sorted for you soon!

  9. That would ruin anyone's day! On the good side, tomorrow will likely be better. Chin up girl. You'll get through it.

    Here's a thought. Remember the guy who wrote a song, put it on Youtube about how United Airlines broke his guitar? What if you did something like this? It doesn't need to be a song but just judging from these few comments, if you did something that people could chime in on, there'd maybe be a possibility to create some positive change. Also, even if it didn't work, you'd feel more in control. You go girl!!

  10. I'd like to experience a winter like yours just for one year! In my part of Australia we don't get snow. Really it's a mild winter compared to Canada. We are at the end of a hot dry summer so I'd be happy to get some cold relief! Ummm, your healthcare system is different to ours, but here your test results belong to you. So you can take them with you wherever. Does it not work like that in Canada?


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