
Today's hosts for the Bowls with borders Blog Hop are


Today I had the best intentions of posting about what I got up to for Friday night sew in. Unfortunately this migraine has other ideas of how I am to spend my day.

So sorry....but go check out the blogs above and they will give you a nice sewing fix for the day


  1. (((Hope you feel better.)))

  2. Hope the headache is gone!
    When you are feeling up to it, I would love some ideas of what to plant in what is very close to Zone 2 (depending upon which map one views) or where to look to find out more! Not eager to have the tumbleweeds take over, and they are sure trying!

  3. Ouch. Hope you feel better soon

  4. Don't apologize. I'm amazed that you posted at all with a migraine. I used to get those a lot and even getting out of bed was tough. I hope it didn't last long.


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