
On Saturday night the wind picked up and it didn’t stop for 3 days!!  Yesterday was by far the worst and it came with heavy rain drops that just tore through the garden. Now I am not taking about your average wind but lovely wind gusting at 60km and above. I thought for sure that we were going to have a lot more damage in the yard, but all the trees seem to still be in one piece. We are late in putting the gazebo back together this year so there was no damage there. 

On Monday night I planted my cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower in the garden as it wasn’t gusting too badly and they were not calling for wind the rest of the week. With the gusts on Tuesday and Wednesday I was regretting my decision A LOT. My poor little plants got the &*(% kicked out of them. I really hope they are able to bounce back from this. I do have 6 more cabbage and cauliflower out in the new garden that didn’t get damaged so I shouldn’t go without this year. However, I am still saddened about putting in all the work in planting seedlings just to have Mother Nature take them away. Oh well that is gardening for ya
Sad little broccoli

Sad little cabbage

wilting basil with bug bites

I have no idea what this is but there are a lot of them coming up. I am thinking some of the wildflowers I planted last year may have gone to seed and are giving me little gifts this year...I might just pull them up though..LOL

 I bought a tomato plant from Costco last week its a Bush Early girl and she is living up to her name......BABY TOMATOES!!!

She came planted in a rather small pot with a built in tomato cage. I really liked the idea of just having a patio tomato plant, however some of the leaves are starting to yellow/brown which I think means it needs a bigger pot. I am was thinking of planting it in one of those huge grey tubs you see behind it, but I have a hard time keeping plants alive in we shall see

In other gardening news I bought a little greenhouse last week and Mr.P, but it together for me on Monday. This way I could put my plants outside without them blowing away. I must say I love it and it makes me feel like a real I know I know it’s tiny!! But I love it and it was only 25 bucks so I love it even more. Right now it is full of tomato plants, peppers, eggplants, basil, and an assortment of flowers. I hope to get the flowers planted today and the veggies tonight if Mr.P is home.

Okay off to do some watering


  1. Cold and windy here, too. After I planted my peppers, we got 60MPH winds! The poor things were practically shredded, but they seem to be recuperating just fine. Now it's just so cold they won't grow.

  2. I have one of those mini-greenhouses too, Mrs P - but can I pass on a word of advice that was give to me? They fall over pretty easily - which is pretty disastrous for your plants!!

    So even though yours is in a sheltered corner, I'd either put a slab/heavy bag of compost on the bottom shelf, or anchor it to the shiplap. I have mine against a brick wall and have a couple of elasticated ropes hooked from eyelets drilled into the bricks in the wall round the middle and top of the greenhouse. Hasn't moved in five years!

  3. I hate when the winds come through. We occasionally get hurricanes and tropical storms here. Though our noreasters are usually what does damage to the coastline. I was thinking with a 6' fence around everything my garden would be protected from the wind. But I think it just funnels it in.

  4. Sorry about your plants. I hope they recover. I'm loving your greenhouse. I've been looking at one, but was unsure how stable it would be. For the price, I think I'll make the purchase too.

  5. I love the cute little hot house! (It kinda looks like a port-a-potty, or as my kids called it a quarter potty)

  6. Oh I want a greenhouse too:) Those little plants might survive with a little gentle watering. Considering my lack or care of some of the stuff I plant I'm always amazed at nature's resiliency.

  7. Your greenhouse is perfect! Next spring we need to get one of those, our season is early here in KY.
    Sure hope your plants do well!

  8. I think that last photo is a sunflower. I'm just catching up on unread posts. I'm over 400 still. sigh.


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