Week six was a hot hot hot week. Everything is stretching out and starting to bloom. I moved the tomatoes out of the pop bottles and into the cages. I was happy to realize that I had 14 cages for my 14 plants. I was surprised to find that a few of the plants already have tomatoes on them...just wee little ones but they are starting. I just hope that they do not get the blight again this year. Last year everything looked great I harvested them and 2 days later everything was mush in the basement. I looked online and it says that if you wash everything when you harvest it will clean off the blight. It did seem to work with the few I tried last year so fingers crossed everything is okay this year.
Half the garden from Spinach |
My plan to weed 4 rows everyday didn't quite work out. Not sure whats going on but the heat is not my friend this year. However, my wonderful parents came out on the week-end and weeded the rows in 30+ weather while I stayed inside. I was able to do 2 rows and then I was done. I felt really bad about them slaving away in the heat while I got lunch ready...but I have to get over that. The garden looks great and I think if I just do a row a day now everything should be okay the rest of the summer....or at least that is what I am going with.
Other half the the garden from the lettuce |
I was able to harvest a few more radishes this week. Most had worm damage, but I just cut around the bad and we had a good feast on the yummy but HOT veggies. My watermelon radishes are not ready yet. I will have to go and check this week. My husband loves radishes with mayo and aromat....weird little bugger. However, I did try it was it wasn't horrible. The aromat was better than the mayo though..lol
My spinach is still taking off and I have made a few more salads trying out new things so it doesn't get too boring or go to seed before we can eat it all. I will make a salad post in a few days....Next year I will have to just sow 1/4 of a row every week till July and then I wont be so spinach overwhelmed..lol
1/2 row of spinach...sooo much spinach!! |
My Bon vivant lettuce mix is coming along. I will be honest I am not sure how to harvest it. I am not sure if I just clip leaves like the spinach of if I cut and leave about 1/2inch and it will grow back. Something to Google for sure!!
The peonies and prairie Lilly's have bloomed this week. I will have to get out and take a few pictures. In addition to that we have some kind of purple flower blooming in our island in front of the house. Not sure what it is, but there are a lot and they are nice. Also my roses have started to come back. For the past couple of years I thought they just were not blooming to only realize this spring that some trees had totally choked them out. I cut down everything including most of the rose bushes thinking that everything was dead. Most of them did die but there are a few little pink ones that have come back. So I guess you never know they rest may still come back but I am not going to hold my breath on that.
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