The garden is....

Well almost all in and by almost I mean hardly in...Lol

On Sunday Mr. Pickles got home at about 1 and I made the decision that we would get at least half the garden planted before we had lunch.  “They” were calling for rain by 3 and for it to last for 3 days so I wanted to get something in!!

Now in the past I just made 30foot rows with about 4 feet between rows. I would either seed the whole row with one veggie or divide it in half. Last year I had 25 rows. My mother came out and helped me plant the garden and it took us about 2 hours and everything was in and watered.

However as you all know I switched up how I am planting things in the garden this year.  The first change is my mother wasn’t helping me, but Mr.P was. In the past when my mother helped we grabbed what we needed and were off. When Mr.P helps we have to have everything down to an exact science. No estimating on much space between rows or just using a stick that seems about right.  we needed to cut exact measuring He has a point, but that must have taken about 30 mins to find out how long everything needed to be, find wood and then cut it.

The next fun part was getting Mr.P to make the rows and plant things. I just have a 10’ x10’ section on my plan that says RED ONIONS. In my mind I figured we would just measure out 10ft and then make some rows that were spaced 1 foot apart. Easy peasy right!??!! I was I think it would have been easy if I would have done it, but Mr.P is very specific. rows must be PERFECT, perfect length, perfect When it came time to actually planting the onions he wanted to know exactly how may went in each row. My reply was “here is a handful, start planting and if it isn’t enough I will give you more if it is too much go to the next row....LOL  Now there wasn’t any fighting or yelling just A LOT of questions and my answering that ITS JUST A

So fast forward 2.5 hours later and what did we get done!! Not much. It is a lot more work doing smaller rows.

 In our first 10’x10’ section we got
4 -10ft rows of red onions
3- 10ft rows of leeks from seed
2 -rows of transplanted leek seedlings

Second 10x10 section
5- 10ft rows of yellow onions
2- 10ft rows of bunching onions
1- 10ft row pickling onions

The last section is just 8x8. It is shady most of the day, always wet and produces chick weed like crazy.
2 -10ft rows of spinach
I was thinking of putting some pak Choi in this section too....But Instead I figured if the spinach starts to come up then I will plant 2 more rows in a week.

So that is all that we got done. By that time it was 3:30 and we were hungry, by the time lunch was over the wind had picked up and it started to rain. So that was all the planting we got done. I still have 23 10x10 sections to plant.........This is A LOT more work than normal and I am regretting making the change already.........but everything I read said this is the better planting option..So we are sticking with it!

We planted the area between the sticks it doesn't look like 30ft by 10 ft but it is!
This is 18 rows!!! I usually only plant 25 rows in my whole garden!


  1. Oh, I like the way Mr. Pickles thinks! He'd make a great companion gardener to me and Daphne. We do like our veggies spaced exactly right, and our rows perfectly straight! Boy, that will be a huge garden when you get it all planted!

  2. My hubby's kind of like that too! Thankfully he stays out of my garden:) His choice, not mine! lol!

  3. I only have one stick that measures things. I have a 3' bamboo pole. On one side it has green markings at 6" and in between there are pink markings at 3". Then on the other side it is 4" markings. Now if I don't lose my stick I'm all set. But my garden is so much smaller. I could never do that large of a garden and be picky about measurements.

  4. Oh how I can relate. My Mr. C is very exacting...he is an engineer. I do appreciate and like things done right...however I also like the artistic way of doing things and he cannot even understand or embrace artistic. Glad you are on your gardening way...

  5. I had to laugh because this is exactly like an interaction between my husband and me!!! He is a scientist. He loves preciseness and symmetry. I am an artist. I love randomness and informal balance. I just go out and plop trees down in the ground wherever and transplant them if I change my mind. He wants to know EXACTLY where they will go and how deep and wide the hole has to be.
    I get a lot more done when he doesn't help me with the gardening. :)

  6. I bet you are happy that the garden is finally getting planted.

    I do all my layouts on the computer over the winter. Then I print it out and take it with me to the plots. The plots are much more organized then the home garden. The home garden does have a plan....but not nicely spaced rows.

  7. Too funny :)
    I guess this year you'll have a nice precise garden.
    I'm already looking forward to seeing it blossom

  8. well, it is a start anyway! LOL I managed to kill my poor herbs over the long weekend! I was gone and they dried out! OOPS!! Back to the drawing board there !!


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