Seedling update part 2

Yesterday I showed you what my seedling looked like before surgery and now I thought I would show you what they look like 11 days later. The pictures are not the greatest since I couldn’t really bend down to take them.Since Mr.Pickles had already watered them I wasn't about to pull them out just to take pictures......but you get the general idea..LOL

Cabbage, Pumpkin, and Spaghetti squash are still on vacation over at the MIL and hopefully Mr.P will bring them home today.

The tractor came over last night and Mr.P is going to till the garden today pictures on that later.


The Peppers

The eggplants 


Brussel sprouts 



The cauliflower and broccoli

This is the lone asparagus that I found with all the
Have a great day


  1. Hi Mrs. Pickles, Looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you getting those planted in your garden! But think of the rewards when you harvest all that yummy food! Nancy at Cozy Thyme Cottage

  2. Such joyous little seedlings. I do hope you have a speedy and complete recovery. Healing Hugs to you dear...

  3. I'm glad your feeling better. Your seedlings look great.

  4. they look great! My mom, Anne and I planted some veggies in my parents backyard last weekend. Two different types of tomatoes, peas, two different types of cucumber and zucchini.

  5. cozythymecottage- thank you. I am looking forward to harvesting all my seedlings. i just hope the all live!


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