Road Trip

Yesterday Mr. Pickles and I took a little road trip up to the city of Prince Albert. Mr. P wanted to see if he could get a better price on garden tractors up there compared to the city so we took the 118km drive up to see what we could find. It ended up being a bust since a lot of the big dealerships didn’t carry them in stock and were for lack of a better Oh well at least we got out of the house. Lucky me wasn’t feeling too well so even after Mr.P drove me to the fabric shop to buy whatever I wanted I still only went in for about 5 minutes and walked out. There were about 5 or so things that I wanted to buy, but just didn’t have the energy to pick them up and take them to the cutting tables so I just walked Oh well there is always a next time.

On the way home we decided that we wouldn’t take the main highway back home, but try a single lane secondary highway and see where it took us. We had never taken this way before and thought it would be fun to see what was out this way. It ended up taking 140km to get back, but it was worth the extra drive.

There was a lot of nothing the whole trip just lots and lots of open land. People always make the joke that in Saskatchewan you could watch your dog run away for 3 days...and well it’s true!

The first highlight of the trip was coming up to the St.Louis Bridge that crosses the South Saskatchewan River. First of all we had no idea it existed and second of all it was CRAZY. There was just enough room to fit the truck though.

Look how close we are to the railing!

Frozen River

I looked online today and it says that the bridge was originally built in 1914 as a train bridge and in 1928 the wings that we were driving on were added on.  That was exactly what we were thinking when we saw the middle part was closed off....but we are rarely right..LOL

There was nothing much to the town except this old grain elevator.

 It turned out that there is an archaeological site not too far from the village, so we may have to return in the summer to check that out. Although I am an Archaeologist, my knowledge is in Classical and Near Eastern Egypt, Greece, and Rome and so on. Not in Plains Archaeology which is Native American cultures. This means I don’t know a lot about the ancient history in my own province, something that I am going to have to change J

Here is a picture of the landscape....lots of nothing

We drove though the village on Domremy which has been around since 1885 and is now almost a ghost town. It was so sad too sad to take pictures of so we didn’t

The second highlight was when we reached Gabriel’s bridge to cross the South Saskatchewan River once again.

This was only really exciting since it meant that we were almost We have had many more exciting times over this Here is some of the ice all pushed up.. 

After the bridge we hit the car wash in Rosthern to wash the salt off the truck and then drove the further 20km to get home. All in all the round trip was about 5 hours including our stops in P.A. It was a nice little rest from everyday life.

Take Care


  1. sounds like the "long way around" Hehe! We take the St Louis bridge when going up to the cabin at Emma Lake. It is the oldest bridge in Saskatchewan...used to be a railway bridge!! They have started work on a new bridge to replace it (a bit farther east).

  2. I love quite car rides just looking at what is out there! I think when Honeyman and I went to Niagara just the two of us that was one of my favorite parts!!

  3. Thanks so much for posting these pics. I love road trips! and I felt like I went with you a bit! I love wide open spaces too. It's not 'nothing' is it?!? I lived in a house on a flat plain for a while, with the everpresent wind, seeing weather come from hours away. Lightening was the best!! I loved the big sky. I hadn't thought I would but after only one on the plain, I still miss it, over 20 years later.


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